About the author/site

Hi, you can call me Twenty Euros, or Twenni Ura's, when I'm feeling Ghetto (I don't rap or shoot people though). I had the idea to make this site while lying half naked under an industrial powered fan trying to keep cool while spending a few months in South America. Seemed like a good idea at the time.

Anyway, after two hours slaving over a hot laptop my dream was made reality - I was the proud owner of the first ever online store stocking Goodwill in all its forms (if you know of any other sites that came first don't tell me as my ego won't be able to handle it)!

More about me; I like all kinds of comedy from Bill Hicks to Monty Python and personally think people should do crazy things like they did all the time. Life would be way more interesting that way.

Contact details

Here's my email address so you can sent me your name and country and type of Goodwill purchased so I can add you to the Wall of Goodwill. I also appreciate thank you's and good jokes.

Email: [email protected]